God’s Answer

“God is more anxious to bestow His blessings on us than we are to receive them.” – St. Augustine

Friend, I've discovered that God’s answer isn’t always what we expect it to be. It may not even arrive at the time we thought it would. One thing is certain however, that God’s answer will always be in response to His love.

Hope doesn’t Disappoint Us!

“The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.” – George Washington Burnap

What It Means To Walk With God

‘Put on Christ!’ …and you will see the wings of hope spreading and letting you journey with joy towards the future…” – Pope Francis

I’ve been to a lot of places.  I’ve had very

Not All Is Lost

“It has been said that life has treated me harshly; and sometimes I have complained in my heart because many pleasures of human experience have been withheld from me…if much has been denied me, much, very much, has been given me…” – Helen Keller (deaf and blind author, lecturer and political activist)

We all suffer some kind of loss somehow. Few are those who are able to go through life unscarred. Some suffer the loss of a job.

To Understand One Another

“Without mercy we have little chance nowadays of becoming part of a world of ‘wounded’ persons in need of understanding, forgiveness, love.”- Pope Francis

Those who seem tough aren’t always the strongest. Those who always seem to know it all aren’t always the wisest. Those who seem righteous aren’t always the holiest ones.