Your Life Is Your Decision

I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse: therefore choose life, that you may live, you and your seed… – Deuteronomy 30:19, WEB

You can only blame others to a certain extent. There comes a point in time when whatever happens next no longer depends upon the hands of other people. What happens next is up to you.

There comes a time when you must take charge of your own life. Do what you think is right. Do all that you can to be happy and to be a channel of happiness around you.

God has given you so much. God gave you the dignity to be just like Him!
Use everything in your power to make a difference, to be the change you wish to see. Your life is your decision. You decide daily what your life becomes.

How Much We Are Loved

“Each of us has a soul, but we forget to value it. We don’t remember that we are creatures made in the image of God. We don’t understand the great secrets hidden inside of us.” – St. Teresa of Avila

We are loved… so much and so deeply. Our problem is that we don’t know and we seek this love constantly from those who could never give it to us.

If we only knew, our lives would never be the same again. If we only understood, we’d be so happy we’d think this place called earth is already heaven itself. For how could it not be heaven?

Heaven is knowing that you are valued and cared for. That someone knows you just as you are and loves you even more because it is so.

It is knowing that you are ever present in someone else’s thought. Day and night you are thought of, thought of with so much sweetness and affection.

You are beautiful in someone else’s eyes. You may not know it, but it doesn’t change the truth about how much you are loved.

“For your Maker is your husband; the Lord of Hosts is his name.” – Isaiah 54:5, WEBME

To Love Yourself

There are times when we hurt others not because we wanted to, but because we have failed to love ourselves first.
You must love your neighbor. This is something we know. But do we also remember that we must love ourselves as well?

In order to take care of other people, we must also know how to take good care of ourselves. We must allow love to grow within our own hearts, and with that love, we can be more capable of helping other people.

God has loved us so much, should we not love ourselves, too? God has offered us His forgiveness, must we go on refusing to forgive ourselves?

Let love be that seed that grows gently first upon your own heart. Take care of it, let it grow strong, and when it bears fruit, let it be as a fragrant flower blessing others with genuine concern and compassion.
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” – Matthew 22:39, WEB

Abiding Love

We need a love that is abiding, one that doesn’t change with the seasons or with the turning of the waves. We need a love that is ever constant, and ever true. A love that goes with us through rain and sunshine, through happiness and through pain.

Must it be called love if it is ever fickle and weak? Is it love if you love in the morning only and at nightfall you remember no more?

Love can withstand all things. Love endures and can always be depended upon.
It is there when you are strong, and it is there when you are weak. It celebrates your joys, and it holds you in your grief.

Abiding Love. Such is God’s love for us. Feelings and fleeting attractions will come and go, but God’s love will remain faithful forever.

Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;
Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see—
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.
I need Thy presence every passing hour;
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s pow’r?
Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.
-Henry F. Lyte

Where Are You Going?

 It is not enough that you enjoy the journey, the more important thing is to know where you are headed for. –Wisdom Nwani

We cannot go on living without knowing where we are headed for. Days pass by so quickly and soon we will realize that we have but a little time left. What have we done with the time given us.

Have we arrived nearer to where we wished to go?